El caso es que hay en ese libro una cita que quiero comentar:
"Many phenomena - wars, plagues, sudden audits - have been advanced as evidence for the hidden hand of Satan in the affairs of Man, but whenever students of demonology get together the M25 London orbital motorway is generally agreed to be among the top contenders for Exhibit A.
Where they go wrong, of course, is in assuming that the wretched road is evil simply because of the incredible carnage and frustration it engenders every day. In fact, very few people on the face of the planet know that the very shape of the M25 forms the sign odegra in the language of the Black Priesthood of Ancient Mu, and means "Hail the Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds." The thousands of motorists who daily fume their way around its serpentine length have the same effect as water on a prayer wheel, grinding out an endless for of low-grade evil to pollute the metaphysical atmosphere for scores of miles around.
It was one of Crowles's better achievements. It had taken years to achieve, and had involved three computer hacks, two break-ins, one minor bribery and, on one wet night when all else had failed, two hours in a squelchy field shifting the markers pegs a few but occultly incredibly significant meters. When Crowley had watched the first thirty-mile-long tailback he'd experienced the lovely warm feeling of a bad job well done.
It had earned him a commendation."
Siento no poder ponerla en español, pero espero que la mayoría de vosotros entendais el asunto. El caso es que ayer, sumergido en un colosal atasco en la M-30, que me impidió llegar a ver el preestreno de "Charlie y la fabrica de chocolate", empecé a considerar seriamente que nuestro queridisimo alcalde, no es otro que el mismísimo Crowley disfrazado. Dejando a un lado al partido al que pertenece, le considero el responsable último de las obras de la M-30, y en general, de Madrid entero (todos conoceis la cita de Danny deVito, ¿no?) Y aunque las obras de Madrid no parecen ninguna antigua runa (que yo sepa, glups), estoy seguro de que las malas vibraciones de los madrileños al sufrirlas, tienen el mismo efecto sobre la atmósfera metafisica que en la cita que he puesto. Alguien debería hacer algo. No sé,un exorcismo quizá. ¿Ideas?