Monday, March 31, 2003

La verdad es que es tardísimo, debería estar acostado ya hace rato. Pero de todas formas me va a costar un horror dormir, por que tengo un esguince en el tobillo y lo tengo tan hinchado que probablemente cada roce de la sábana sea una agonía de todas formas, así que un ratito de blog no me va a hacer mal anyway.
Ha pasado un fin de semana más. Sin pena ni gloria que diría aquel. Aunque quizá sí con pena, pero una tan vaga, tan sorda, que casi no cuenta, ¿no? Un elefante en una cacharrería me llama mi madre. Y aunque sepa que poco haya que pueda hacer... bah, que más da.

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Saturday, March 29, 2003


The feel of aching longing for things you cannot name.
I guess it should end soon, but I know it probably will last for some time. It`s been there for quite some time now, and despite all I try, it creeps back on lonely nights, thoughtful walks and sun in my face. Oh well.
At least, I can laugh at everything. I can be "EVIL", well, at least mini "evil". Mini me. And sing... so I guess this shall be a thank you note to someone that I know will never read this. For pulling me out of the pit. For hauling my sorry ass from self pity hell. Thank you Doctor Evil. 

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Friday, March 28, 2003

Dust yourself up and try again

The need for writing was so great. The pull of words... and feeling that I failed myself deleting this. So as the song says... If you fall, dust yourself up and try again. And as Wolverine says, "It hurts because it is healing. I don't want to give it up. I want to fight. I'll stop fighting the day have my little piece of terrain".
I've been having nights of vivid dreams these last weeks. I think it has to do with my ordering too much chinese food. Every time I have curry for dinner... anyway, I dreamt myself writting again here, in the Laberinto last night. Writting in the blog. I thought, "it cannot be, it is dead..." but it is not, I guess. So here I am again. And some relief it is... 

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